Violent Crime

The police and community leaders left me suffering at the mercy of relentless abuse, deliberate provocation, and violent crime by my neighbour's for years on end.

The photo's below occurred while I was trying to raise a young family and are just the tip of the iceberg of abuse I was left subject to, and have been through over the last 20 years!!

Injured Face And Hand From Violent Attack

  • Punched in the face by my neighbour's son causing me to fall to the ground and injure my hand
  • The police took no action against him despite me reporting it

Bricked Kitchen Window

Front Door Covered In Cracks

  • From three very violent attempts to force entry by my neighbour's son
  • These incidents were terrifying as he had previously mis-used a rifle in public!

Severely Vandalised Car

  • All ten windows smashed and all four tyres slashed